Sunday, May 1, 2011

final report for my PLN

I did not have a PLN before this class.I have a blog and my class blog.I never new before this class that gmail and documents would be part of my PLN.YouTube is part of my learning network.AVI is the video recording software I have on my PC.I have used Twitter some.I plan to get more proficient on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, this is unacceptable for a PLN. You have stated over and over again that you will be returning to many of the sites that you have visited through out the course of EDM. Now that you have reviewed your work so thoroughly, you can add to this post by including that names of the sites that you will visit, and links to those sites. It might also benefit you now and in the future to leave a BRIEF synopsis of why you have included your list of AT LEAST 10-- that's TEN-- PLN resources from EDM 310. LIke your ACCESS and ALEX post, you MUST complete this assignments to fulfill the state's FOLIOTEK requirements.
