Sunday, September 26, 2010

blog post #5

The resources I used were the Practical Principals,Education Podcast Network,and The Benefits Of Podcasts In The Classroom.I considered all of these sources very useful.I enjoyed the resource on benefits in the classroom the most.I had never thought about how parents could actually physically see what is going on their child's classroom.I liked the fact that if a child is sick, that child can still see what is going on and can stay home. I enjoyed the fact that the Practical Principals was audio.I used to think about a podcast as using video only.I did not think of using audio only .The main thing I liked about Education Podcast Network is interesting because you can find one on any subject.I have learned a lot since I started doing research for my podcast.I did not realize itunes could be used as an educational tool until this course.


  1. I also liked the Practical Principals pod-cast. My group did an audio pod-cast for the project. I also learned a lot about pod-cast from this assignment , I had no idea what they were about until I watched all of these videos and posts.

  2. You are correct, you can find podcasts on just about any subject. Using podcasts is a great way for students who can not come to class to stay involved and feel like they are a part of what is going on in the classroom. You said you had never thought about podcasts being audio only. This is actually the way podcasts started out, audio only. Podcasts were seen as a sort of online radio show. Audio was used more in the beginning because it did not require as much memory or bandwidth.

    Your blog looks great. In the title you should have and 's after your name (Taylor's). Keep up the good work. SS
