Wednesday, October 13, 2010


1)Learners that are motivated can definitely teach themselves. 2)Kids can teach themselves without a doubt. 3)The main thing kids need to teach themselves is motivation and a willingness to learn. 4)Computers and internet access is a tool to help them learn. The way it does that is if they do not know the answer they can look it up. 5)Someone cannot teach themself if they do not have the drive to do so 6)The problem is people can teach themselves ,but having difficulties with the learning is where teachers come in. 7)The way to motivate to someone to learn is to be creative and knowledgeable about a particular subject. 8)I am motivated when a teacher is very passionate about their expertise.I am also motivated when it is something when it is something that does not necessarily come easy to me. 9)I believe that anyone that has the drive to learn can .I also believe that if we are going to be good teachers we have to believe that or we have no business going into this field. 10)I think even though we have a instruction manual a lot of this course is self-taught .I am also a math major, so I do a lot of self teaching with that. 11)The teacher is a someone that motivates a student and gives the student the knowledge on a particular subject that they want to keep learning more on that subject. 12)The best thing I can say I took from this video is we do not give students enough credit. 13)I we think need to focus more on being life long learners.I believe if we do this we can motivate our students to be more self -taught.


  1. Very good answers! I really like how you said "The main thing kids need to teach themselves is motivation and a willingness to learn." Motivation and willigness always seem to be the things missing in the learning process. If we can be positive about school, maybe they will find more motivation and willingness.

  2. Hello Taylor, I really enjoyed reading this post from you. I especially enjoyed reading your answer to question eight. I agree 100% with you. I have seen many teachers who do not have a passion for what they teach and you can tell it by the student performance.
